Wednesday, July 20, 2011

this week...

apart from my aunts going back to their homes nothing has really happened lately.. so thought i would share some pics from this week!

Mia was hungry.. and ate her food.. then she got a bit fussy.. but since i was preparing dinner and bobby had just gotten home and was cleaning up.. she fell asleep in her high chair..

here is bobby with amelia. he was dancing with her and i wanted to get video of it, but every time i would get the camera up he would stop and smile.. i told him i wanted to get video of it and he said he knew.. i guess i have to be more inconspicuous...

here is amelia in a dress she got from my mom at her baby shower...

and my girls.. getting ready to go to church!!!

anyway we have had a pretty good week so far! have some family coming in this Sunday!! so yay!! will get some pics of them with the kiddos!


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