Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Seth and his penguin named Duck...

This picture really has nothing do with the title and i downloaded it wronf.. I meant to download it so that it was the last picture... But Bekah has finally gone pee-pee in the potty chair... YAY!!!!

Okay now onto "Seth aka Sepie and his penguin named Duck".... Seth has a penguin that he used to call duck fo who knows what reason, but now he knows it is a penguin and his name happens to still be duck or Duckie... anyway Bobby and I got the penguin last August when we went to the coast for a belated anniversary trip... we initally gave it to Bekah and the boys all got a shark, but within the past six months Seth has claimed penguin known as Duck to be his own... He sleeps with it every night and plays with it every day... when i get them up from bed he hands me Duck and says "Hi Duck!" so i say "hi Duck!".... at bedtime he asks me to give Duck a kiss. so it is really his favorite toy... I have seen him brusch Ducks teeth, show him pictures in a book, read to him, and play peek a boo with him... he also will tuck duck into bed... if i tell him to go put duck on his bed if we are getting ready to go out, he will go put him on his bed cover him completely up and say "shhh... night night duckie" ... and recently he has started to teach Duck to pray...

Here he is teaching duck to pray... he tries to put Ducks wings together but they only go as far as his eyes... but he still prays...

showing me Duck!

Duck is still praying... he is a Christian duck... :)

and we dont allow toys at the table when we are getting ready to eat, but in this picture, he snuck Duck in to sit and pray before breakfast and "eat"....
I did let Duck stay there while we prayed because he did sit so still and was very quiet, but when i handed out the food i told seth that duck was going to wait for him in the living room while he ate so that duck didnt get any food dropped in him... he hasnt really tried to bring duck back to to the table, but last week he did try to take duck with him when we were going to go to the store, we told him that Duck needed to stay home because we didnt want to lose him and he was very good about putting him back to bed...
we havent had a very busy past couple of weeks... or rather eventful.. we did go this past weekend to a parenting seminar at our church... it was very helpful and we ar very glad we went... we spent the night at my moms house on friday night so that we could be there on time, although the babies didnt sleep good during the night... they coughed and were just not used to it... when they would hear a train.. they would sit up and say Choo choo train... but not happily they werent excited they were scared of it... they sleep there every sunday afternoon, but i guess overnight is completely different experience for them...
well thats pretty much it...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Honoring Opie..

This past Tuesday night, Bobby's grandfather Nolan Specht aka Opie passed away. When Bobby was younger he would spend his days at Opie's house helping him with his animals, and when he got older they hunted together... Bobby told me yesterday he shot his first buck with one of Opie's guns. Bobby has some wonderful memories of Opie while he was growing up. When Bobby and I got married I got to know Opie. Thankfully the babies did get to see Opie too.. Opie seemed to really like the quads. Although he never really gave praise to your face we had heard that he thought the babies were very good... He will be missed!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

It is Bobby's Birthday Today!!!

Today in honor of Bobby's birthday..I am posting pics of him with the kiddos from when they were in the NICU and on.. I hope you enjoy! and Bobby if you ever read this... Happy Birthday!! I Love You!!

Here is Bobby with his Princess... She was the first one he got to hold! and he was the first one to hold one before anyone else... Lucky!

Here he is with Evan.. Proud Daddy!

He is holding Seth...

I think this is either Evan or Austin that he is holding...

Here he is with Bekah again... But she has been moved from her first NICU bed to her last NICU bed!

My baby with our babies!!

Our First Family Photo!!

Here he is trying to get Bekah to calm down so we can get a picture of them without her crying...

Didnt work! But still such a Happy Guy!

This is after Bekah's dinner and she is in a much happier mood!

Feeding Evan...

With Seth, Austin, and Bekah!

Seth admiring his daddy while Bekah and Evan look on.. and Daddy admiring Seth.

Trying to get Seth to burp!

Seth and Daddy admiring one another (again) This was our first road trip... Boy was that a long trip... (But very much worth it Adam!!!)

Daddy with his boys at Aunt Bertha's house!

Daddy with his princess..

I think this is either Austin or Seth and he had a very firm grip on Bobby's neck...

Bobby with his little senorita...

Bobby feeding bekah... mmmm yummy..

Bobby with his princess yet again!

Bobby home from work, laid down and the babies attacked him!

On the day of Bekah's eye surgery...

Helping get the babies situated for a good picture of them with Dr. Ramamurthy!

Bobby with Bekah at my cousins wedding!!

All my sick babies... (big and little)...

Our family picute from this year!

Helping Austin hit the pinata at this years birthday party!

Helping Evan hit the pinata..

Helping Rebekah hit the pinata..

Helping Seth hit the pinata..

2008 Christmas...

just another family picture...

Bobby with his boys... Such good looking guys.. (if I do say so myself)..

Bobby comforting Evan as he gets a breathing treatment while in the hospital the day after Christmas..

One more family picture...

Well I hope you enjoyed this picture journey... Im sorry that i got some pictures all mixed up but you get the idea... Bobby has been so much help to me with the babies... He helps in every way.. Changing diapers, fixing food, but i think his favorite job is keeping them entertained with rides on his back... He is such a wonderful daddy to these babies. I am so Blessed to have him as a husband... I look forward to many MANY more birthdays!!!! Happy Birthday Bobby.. I love you!