Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well firstly thank you to everyone who has prayed and is praying for Bekah... she is HEALING!!! Praise the Lord.. her eyes are not as red anymore... in fact they are barely pink and she isnt swollen anymore.... i didnt take any pictures of her after her surgery until today, just because her eyes were very sensitive to light and my camera has a flickering flash so i didnt want to irritate her... these pictures were taken today... she is also getting used to us putting the eyedrops and ointment in her eyes which is very nice... we used to have to really fight her to open her eyes... she still kinda squints her eyes when she knows that drops are coming but not as tight as she was earlier this week... she doesnt even look like she had surgery a week ago... thank you so much to everyone who has prayed... we still covet your prayers for continual healing and for the surgery being a success and for her not needing anymore surgeries... she is acting like herself... im just so thankful for her progress and healing...

we start Premiere Care testing this week... (developmental testing).... im not nervous for it... im not sure how much they will cooperate with the testers but i know and my therapists know how well they are doing.. so im not concerned... i dont know how much they will "talk" for the testers, but im praying they will knock their socks off with their speech.... Evan and Austin go first... they test this wednesday... and Bekah and Seth test on Sept 17.. ... so im excited for the testing...

well i am offically addidicted to this little thing called "facebook" or as bobby calls it "facelift"... a friend from California told me about it.. then my sister in law got on... so i did to.. the first night i was on.. i was on for at least an hour and a half... i found one of my friends from high school and well im addidicted... i think ive gotten better... im not on it for longer than 30 minutes and not every night.... but it is very fun...

here are the babies once we got to mimi and papa's house after church today....
arent they the cutest.... we dont have any plans for this long weekend... bobby is on call... but we were able to mow the grass yesterday while the babies were napping... if he doesnt get any calls tomorrow i think we will finish the yard...

well i hope you have enjoyed this weekly segment... and according to my calander sunday is the last day of the week instead of the first day.. so im off the hook...

again thank you for your prayers....

Friday, August 22, 2008

Surgery DONE; NOW Eyedrops and ointment

Well we have had bekahs surgery.... everything went very well.. the doctor even said it went "perfectly"... we also had her follow-up post-op appointment today... he again said everything looked "perfect".. we wont know if everything is indeed perfect until six weeks from now... between now and then if she crosses her eyes it doesnt count till after the six weeks.. so now it is days filled with eyedrops and ointment... which in and of itself is not fun.. for me or her... will you please pray that the applying of the eyedrops and ointment becomes easier and that this will be the only surgery she will need.... i dont want to go through this again... if i have to i will.... but i really REALLY dont want to..... this is bekah last sunday.... she again didnt want to smile for the pictures... but i wanted a "last" picture before surgery...

here is bekah and bobby... we had just arrived to the facility for the surgery on thursday... she was so happy... it was sad... i knew what was coming but she had no clue...

here she is a few minutes before they gave her some tylenol laced with somthing that made her drowsy so that they could start an iv and give her her anesthesia... she knew something was up but was still being such a trooper...
right of surgery when she started to wake up from the anesthesia she was so aggitated... i was struggling to hold her and trying not to drop her... i had to give her to bobby so that he could control her... she tried numerous times to pull out her iv.... i cried the whole time... even when we left the nurse gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be fine...
i cried the way home too... when we finally did get home she was still kinda out of it from the anesthesia so we put her to bed... i walked my mom out to her car when she was leaving and felt like crying... when i got inside i went to change my clothes and bobby came in and gave me a hug and i just broke weary... not so much as yesterday, but still a little weary.... i really dont want to go through this again...
she is crossing her eyes in a little now, but he told us many times that is to be expected... it makes me a little nervous though... i just really dont want to go through this again... please pray for me... please pray for bekah... thank you for your prayers... we covet your prayers...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Dreams...

Hi all... Bobby and i have been watching the olympics since they have started.... we record them and then watch them after the babies are in bed... and im really into it this year... i guess because we record it and then we are able to fast forward through events that we arent too interested in and then pause, rewind and slow motion things that we do want to see... I am so into the olympics i have had a few dreams that i am in the olympics with my best friend from high school.... we were playing volleyball... thats not a stretch for melissa, but for me that is quite a stretch.... anyway our lives have been affected by the olympics... seeing them i want to get out and start playing volleyball, running, swimming, and even diving... so i deceided to have a mini pre-pre-olympics for the babies... Here is the team USA... relaxing before the main event.... you can tell the stress isnt getting to them.... we had a lot of fun... they all want the GOLD....they each had a routine on the "balance beam".. our balance beam was the back of our sofa... theres a 3 to 4 inch space that became our balance beam...

Here is Bekah... she is doing her difficult routine with the assistance of assitant head coach Mimi.... she is going for the GOLD... I think she'll take it.... Maddie is the head judge... although she doesnt seem to be watching the performance...

Here is Evan... he has an equally difficult routine.... Maddie is watching him closely for any balance checks.... i think he'll get the GOLD....

Here is Seth.. also with an equally difficult routine... but is so relaxed he is able to smile at the camera for when he signs all of his endorsments... go Seth.... i think he'll get the GOLD....
Look at maddie... watching seths feet so closely to make sure he doesnt fall off the "balance beam"... the best head judge ever...

and Austin.... he also is doing an equally difficult routine.... but he does his routine with his hat on.... i think he'll win the GOLD....
well by ruling of our head judge... they all won the GOLDfish.... they did wonderful... and i think are the cutest little Olympians ever....
well we have done other things besides the olympics... we went to the dentist a couple weeks ago and we are happy to report no cavities.... the dentist was extremely nice and very fast... i wish i would have taken some pics but maybe at their second dental appointment... which isnt anytime soon.... they all also have some new teeth breaking through... so more new chompers...
we also had our first official speech therapy session... she was very impressed with how they have progressed from just the eval from early july.... she doesnt think she'll be coming for very much longer.... she was very impressed.... if shes happy.. im happy... we also are continuing to practice the open cup.... they are getting the hang of it.... just got to keep practicing...
and bekah.... she has surgery this thursday.... im still trying not to think about it.... my nerves are close to shot... we asked the elders of our church to pray over her on sunday... that alone seemed to calm my nerves a little... will you please pray that her surgery is a success and that their arent any complications... and that this is the only surgery.... and please pray for me... every once and awhile my mind runs away with me and i start thinking negativly... but i do think overall im doing pretty good...
i will try to update again this week.. possibly friday after bekahs appointment with the eye doctor.... just to let you know how she did and everything... thanks to everyone who has and is praying for her and us....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

we're back....

Hi all... bobby and i are back from our mini-vacation/belated anniversary trip... we went to corpus christi and we had a blast... we left friday afternoon after we ran a few errands and got to the coast around 5pm... it really wasnt a long drive... a trip that i usually sleep through, i read through this time... we ate landry's on friday... they have the best stuffed jalapenos there.... that was the best thing i ate whole trip.. i also got some stuffed shrimp wrapped in bacon, whish bobby thought was the best.. but i was hooked on a the jalapenos... saturday we went to the texas state aquarium and i got the babies some souveniers... i got the boys little stuffed sharks and a dolphin and bekah got a little stuffed penguin... (penguins were my favorite animal when i was little)... then we ate at Joe's Crab shack... it was good but not as good as landrys... (or maybe i was still thinking about those jalapenos since i could see landrys from joes where we were sitting)... we left sunday morning at check out... it was a nice relaxing time... we stayed up late watching movies, swimming, and walking on the beach... and we (or should i say bobby) slept late... i couldnt sleep late... i guess my "inner" alarm clock was still set during vacation... we had a blast.. i did think about my babies though... bobby would ask me what i was thinking about... look at my face.. see my eyes tearing up.. and he'd say "you're thinking about the babies arent you?"... of course... here is a picture of us... we were finally in our room on friday... i took one when we were in the parking lot... kind of like how we took one on our honeymoon, but the flash was wacky and it didnt turn out very good... the babies all did well with my parents... they stayed at our house... and i had no concern that they would be good or for my parents... my concern was for me missing my babies... but i had fun and am looking forward to next years trip...

bobby had off on monday too so we took the babies to the park in nb... we had our very first train ride as a family and it was the quads first train ride ever... afterwards we had a little picnic in the park and played for a little while... we had a good time.. and i think the babies did too... we finally took them to the playground part and let them play and run around after lunch.. but since it was after lunch they were ready for their nap.. so we didnt play very long...

here is evan and seth on the cunductor's seat for the train.... the conductor and the person that sold us the tickets were very nice... the conductor was the one who suggested the picture on the seat...

here is bekah and austin... i know that austin's arm is in bekah's face... but it was the only one of the two of them looking at us...
here is the conductor with the babies... this was after the ride and they were getting hungry but the conductor sat through 3 pictures like this... he was very sweet and i think this is a pretty sweet picture...

after the park... we left to get bobby and i some lunch and the babies konked out... they were exhausted... and i was too ...

here is seth... he was actually the last one to fall asleep... he was talking but when we were waiting for our food he fell asleep...

they were really out cold... my camera makes a little "ring" noise when i turn it on and that usually brings their attention to me.. but not this time...

austin... he is usually the first one asleep and the first one awake... and he held true to form this time too...

bekah... she was a little fussy before finally falling asleep... but she did sleep and isnt she just the cutest girl..
and evan... he was the second one out cold... they played hard.. had full tummys... and were ready for a good nap.. and they did...
they had fun... we had fun... it was just a fun family day... we dont get out very much as a family but when we do it is a lot of fun... im glad to be home.. back to the "daily grind" of breakfast, play lunch, nap, play, dinner, play, bath, bed, sleep.... im not sure bobby is glad to be back to work... maybe next year we can make take a longer vacation than just two nights... but the time we did have this year was perfect.. i was ready to be home but once we got back to the city limits i thought to myself we could have at least stayed another night... but it was my idea of coming back on sunday... well maybe next year... i am glad to be home though... even though i dont think that the babies missed me at all....
this is your weekly episode of "a day in the life of quads"... hope you enjoyed it... by the by... happy birthday papa.... we love you...