Friday, August 22, 2008

Surgery DONE; NOW Eyedrops and ointment

Well we have had bekahs surgery.... everything went very well.. the doctor even said it went "perfectly"... we also had her follow-up post-op appointment today... he again said everything looked "perfect".. we wont know if everything is indeed perfect until six weeks from now... between now and then if she crosses her eyes it doesnt count till after the six weeks.. so now it is days filled with eyedrops and ointment... which in and of itself is not fun.. for me or her... will you please pray that the applying of the eyedrops and ointment becomes easier and that this will be the only surgery she will need.... i dont want to go through this again... if i have to i will.... but i really REALLY dont want to..... this is bekah last sunday.... she again didnt want to smile for the pictures... but i wanted a "last" picture before surgery...

here is bekah and bobby... we had just arrived to the facility for the surgery on thursday... she was so happy... it was sad... i knew what was coming but she had no clue...

here she is a few minutes before they gave her some tylenol laced with somthing that made her drowsy so that they could start an iv and give her her anesthesia... she knew something was up but was still being such a trooper...
right of surgery when she started to wake up from the anesthesia she was so aggitated... i was struggling to hold her and trying not to drop her... i had to give her to bobby so that he could control her... she tried numerous times to pull out her iv.... i cried the whole time... even when we left the nurse gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be fine...
i cried the way home too... when we finally did get home she was still kinda out of it from the anesthesia so we put her to bed... i walked my mom out to her car when she was leaving and felt like crying... when i got inside i went to change my clothes and bobby came in and gave me a hug and i just broke weary... not so much as yesterday, but still a little weary.... i really dont want to go through this again...
she is crossing her eyes in a little now, but he told us many times that is to be expected... it makes me a little nervous though... i just really dont want to go through this again... please pray for me... please pray for bekah... thank you for your prayers... we covet your prayers...


Precious Blessings said...

Know that we are all praying for her and I for you too.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're still weary today. Bekah's eyes our in the BEST physician's hands...HIS!!! I will indeed pray for you.

She looks so sweet in the picture at the hospital. Bless her heart.

Hang in there my friend and I'll keep praying.

Mommy's Little Blessings said...

What a sweet pic of her and you together:) I'm glad the surgery went good and hope it is a success. I hope there are no more surgeries.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for the good report! I rejoice that it is over for you all, but will continue to pray for healing, strength, and peace. Much love to you sister-in-the-Lord!!! May He grant the peace that surpasses all understanding and may He lift you in spirit!!! :D