Sunday, December 28, 2008

VERY Long post...

okay so this is a long post, if you dont know already... i posted pictures from two weeks prior to Christmas...

this picture is our family picture taken two sundays before Christmas... but these were our outfits that we wore to my cousins wedding that we werent ever able to take picture of... so we had the opportunity and took some pictures...

we took this picture at church..

this picture was taken at my moms house after church... she wanted some pictures too... so who are we to say no.. so we took some more pictures...

the babies did very well for the numerous photo shoots this day.. they werent fussy at all... they didnt always want to smile for the pictures but they werent fussy... so that was good....

again another photo shoot.. of just the quads... they did very well..

we always do a quick little photo shoot if they have something matching or new on... so this day was no exception!! these were the outfis they wore to my cousins wedding in November....

this next group of picture was taken the sunday before Christmas.... and of course we needed to take some pictures... we all matched to some extent... my red was actually my coat... so thats where my red is at...

the babies again did so well for these pictures... they werent fussy at all... the babies lloked so cute....

here are my HANDSOME men.... they all had black suits and red shirts... very sharp.... i had to talk bobby into wearing his suit again... but he looks so cute matching the boys... i dont think he minded after seeing how the boys matched him...


my brother surprised us by showing up for church and we took some family pictures but my camera died before any good ones could be taken... my sister in law got some good pictures though.... i also forgot to take some pictures of just the babies in their matching outfits.. so they will have to have another photo shoot when i put them in these outfits again...

now onto Christmas day.... this was breakfast on Christmas... we had muffins... very yummy... they hadnt had muffins before and they really enjoyed eating them... they had bluberrry and cinnamon...

here is Seth and Bekah enjoying their muffins... Seth preferred the bluberry...

here is Evan and Austin eating their Chritmas breakfast... Evan still looks a little sleepy in this picture...

here they are sitting in front of the tree in their Christams jammies before we opened our presents... they did really well and had a lot of fun opening presents.. they had to make sure that every piece of wrapping paper got off ofthe present befroe they could check out what it was they opened...
they are saying "cheese" for the picture... i dont know where they learned that at... i dont usually say "say cheese" before a picture, but it seems they enjoyed saying it....

Bekah opening up a present she got in her stocking...

Bekah checking out very closely her princess panties... and deceiding that Aurora is her favorite princess...
they pretty much just got undies and socks in their stockings... they seemed just happy about opening up presents and not really knowing what exactly they were opening...

Austin opening a present..... he got an Etch-a- Sketch...

Evan playign with some bells he got for Christmas... they got things i thought could help them with their Premiere Care testing that is coming up in January...

Seth also playing with some bells he got... the boys also got pillows with their silhouettes on them... bekah got hers last year... i wasnt going to get the boys one but in the summertime this year i thought the boys needed their own pillows that are special like bekahs... they did lay on them and say "night-night".... so i think they liked them....

still Christmas Day AT MY MOM AND DAD'S HOUSE:
we have a Flick Football Superbowl every year... i think the only year we havent done the superbowl is the year i was in the hospital pregnant with the babies.. Bobby won the superbowl last year and i came in third... so here we are showing our team spirit... Bobby was the Colts... I was the Patriots... and the babies rooted for us both...

the babies shirts said one team on the front and one on the back...

bekah opening her present from Georgi... she loves her baby doll and all the things that came with it... i think her favorite is the high chair...
Seth cant help himself from helping Bekah open her present...

Seth opening his present form Jennifer... they really enjoyed just ripping the paper off of the present...
i cant wait for the to try out his t-ball set.. i think they will really like it..

Austin opening his present from Jennifer... again just enjoying ripping the paper off...

here is Evan.. i was acutally able to get a pictuer of him looking at me before he really dug into ripping the paper off the present...

we had a lot of fun with this Christmas... the babies actually able to open the presents themselves and enjoying the presents afterwards... it was a good Christmas...
and let me just say that the COLTS won the Superbowl again this year and the PATRIOTS came in second... so a good year for those teams this year!!! looking forward to next year!!

FRIDAY DECEMBER 26, 2008....
(i accidentally just deleted a picture and wasnt able to get it back) anyway... the day after Christmas... well Chrtistmas night Evan started to run a high fever and was coughing and having a hard time catching his breath.... we called the doctor and he asked us to bring him into the hospital...

here is bobby in evan's room watching tv... we had some very long nights and day...

Evan finally drinking his water and watching tv... we dont turn teh tv on while the babies are up and playing at home and watching tv in the hospital was a special treat that Evan got since he was sick...

he was finally starting to perk up here... he was talking to us and laughing... but the doctor wanted us to stay the night sine they seem to get worse at night so we did...

bobby laying with evan while he gets his breathing treatment... he did pretty good with getting treatments... the meds seemed to knock him out though...

Evan still getting his treatment and watching tv...
my brave boy...he did very well.. we were able to come home saturday afternoon.. it feels so good to finally be home after 2 long nights in the hospital... he is doing much better and very much back to his old self... laughing playing not clingy... thank you to everyone who has been praying for evans recovery...
we had a very busy week... and it appears that this next week will be just as busy... they are turning 2 on friday and we are getting ready for their party... im very excited... i will let you know how that goes...
well i hope you enjoyed this post.. and i do apologize that this post was sooo long....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

short post...

i will post again after christmas with pictures... just have been really busy getting ready for the holiday which im sure all of you are as well... just thought id let you know..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


well its been a couple of busy weeks for us... getting ready for christmas and such.. but thought i would post a quick note about how thanksgiving went for us... we went to my parents house for thanksgiving... in the evening as per tradition we (my mom, my sister, her girls, bekah, and i) went to garden ridge pottery for our annual shopping of the ornaments... this was bekahs first time, but me being very unprepared for it forgot to take pics of the event... but she was very good and had a wonderful time... my sister picked out an ornament for her, which i think my mom ended up buying... its just a pink ball... like a mirror ball... she loved it... so my mom got it for her... we had them help us decorate our tree, but thats for another post WITH pictures.. i need to get better at always having my camera with me, regardless of what it is... i promise ill get better at taking pics... anyway... i will put another post with pics about tree trimming and such... but just thought id post this real quick...


Friday, November 21, 2008

el paso pictures...

okay so here are the pictures i was able to take from our trip to el paso...
this first picture is how the babies slept at the hotel in ft stockton... we took the matress off the bed and laid it on the floor and had them sleep together... if you look closely both seth and evan are smiling.... they chatted for about 30-45 min after this picture... and it was already 12:45... here is bobby with bekah before the wedding started... i thought i took that ball away from her before the wedding but i guess she found my hiding spot... while i was out in the hall with seth and evan during the wedding, bobby said she threw the ball but thankfully he caught it before it bounced or rolled down the aisle....

here is evan again this was before the wedding started... he was making his smiling face...

and here is how we slept both monday night and tuesday minus of course the "big" baby..... the blanket to the side was my "bed" they were all taking their afternoon nap...
well that is really all the pictures i was able to take... such a shame.... because for the wedding i would have liked to have taken a family picture.... but it didnt happen, oh well....

well i hope you enjoyed..

El Paso.... Fun?

Hey all.. i know its been a long while since i have updated, and this one probably wont be so great so i apologize now... read at your own risk... well. we went to el paso this past weekend for a wedding for one of my cousins... well lets start at the very beginning... we left thursday night after work... they did much better this year than they did last year as far as fussing and such, but there was still a little fussing and who can blame them for sitting in their car seats for five hours just to reach ft. stockton.... when we got to ft stockton it was like they got their second wind and deceided they needed to chatter and play and fuss... so it took them awhile to fall asleep... they were up at 6:30 an hour earlier than usual, talking.... so we HAD to wake up too.... i went to go knock on my parents door at 7:30 because surely they would be awake, nope... lucky them... so then we went for breakfast at a place that i thought served a pretty good breakfast, boy were we all wrong.... we then had about a four more hour drive till we reached the grand city of el paso... no sarcasm there... alot of my cousins are there which is really nice and the most wonderful restaurant by name of Chicos Tacs is there... YUM.... anyway we were pretty happy to reach el paso, especailly for me because for the last hour and a half i drove and i hate driving.... anyway we got to my aunts house... bobby and i had to go to wal-mart because bobby had forgotten his coat and his belt... and going to wal-mart in el paso is quite an experience... then we went to one of my uncles house for the rehersal dinner... very yum too... one of my cousins went and got me some fast lane tacos which is like chicos but with more spice... YUM! anyway... went back to my aunt berts to go to bed... the babies slept better thid night but still woke up at 6:30 our time 5:30 el paso time... so.... again that meant it was time for us to get up too..... we delayed coming out of our room till about 7:30 so that my parents and my two aunts could sleep longer.... okay so now today is saturday the day of the wedding.... so we get to the wedding and the quads are doing pretty good... we got there about 45 mins early... my dad the planner did not want to be late... so then the wedding starts.... not two minutes into it seth and evan deceide they dont want to sit still or be quiet... so my mom and i take them out in to the hall... so i didnt get to see the wedding but i heard it was beautiful.... anyway after the wedding we changed the babies so they could be more comfortable and went to lunch with my uncle tom and aunt linda, my parent, bert, juana, and my brother and his family... and as we are loading up the kids to take them back to berts house i notice bobby forgot his belt we just bought.... oh well... so we get to berts and about an hour before we need to leave seth got sick... this was the first time any of them has gotten sick, and by sick i mean, you know SICK!.... so we debated about if we should go and he got sick again. so bobby deceided to stay at home with seth and evan and i would take bekah and austin to the reception... yes there was about a 4 hour window between wedding and reception... so we go to the reception with my parents and aunts... ate supper and then about three hours later and two babies falling asleep i tell my dad im ready to go back to berts, so my dad graciously takes my crew back home to bobby, evan and my little sickie... seth got up at 6 or 7 times during the night gettting SICK! poor baby.. okay so now the day is sunday and im pooped since i was up with seth the majority of the time helping him... we had family come over for a last dinner before we left at 6pm.... so now we are back on the road to our pit stop of ft stockton... seth being sick the whole time.... although during the night he did not wake up being sick so that was a blessing but they still woke up at 6:30... where is my sleep!!!!! okay so now monday morning and we are on our way back home about an hour to an hour and a half out from being home evan deciedes to get SICK! and majorly sick at that too.... then about 30 minutes later Bekah gets Sick... so we stop at heb when we got home for pedialyte and soup and cleaning supplies and then on the way home from the store austin gets sick.... i can laugh now that my stomach isnt quesy anymore but that 20 minute drive home i was passing the bucket from one mouth to the next... so we get home... thankfully after evan got sick the first time we put bibs on everyone, in case i wasnt fast enough for them... so as bobby and i are unloading the car bobby got sick! so by this time i am praying HARD for an iron stomach... and boy the Lord answered... i slept on the kitchen floor with my three sick kiddos on their mattresses and thankfully my mom came to help because im sure to have gone mad if i would have had to have done that by myself.... bobby stayed in our room... so the next day is tuesda and thankfully bobby still had the day off.. he was supposed to have gone hunting, but deer and such were a long way away from his mind.... so i had his help as he was feeling much better but weak from his long night.... tuesday i started to not feel so great and as bobby was cooking chicken noodle soup for supper for him and babies i thought i was going to be sick....thankfully monday night before my mom came she picked up a prescription for bobby and so i took one and it really did seem to calm my stomach almost instantly... so we slept again in the kitchen since it took two nights to finally leave seth so as precaution i slept in the kitchen with the babies and bobby slept in the living room... wednesday i woke up achey probably from sleeping on a hard kitchen floor and poor little bekah it seems to have hit her and seth the hardest.. seth seemed to have been sick longer but it seemed to have taken a lot out of bekah... she just acted so weak and puny.. poor baby... well okay so now today is friday.. seth got sick again yesterday morning but seems to be acting fine since and then again last night austin got sick, but is acting fine this morning. so i hope it has left us... anyway i know this has been kinda gross and yuck but ill post what pictures i was able to take later on.. there werent that many, and none of them are of the babies getting sick so you dont have to worry about that... this defiately has been a week id like far behind me, and an unforgetable trip... CONGRATULATIONS JASON AND DAISY!!!!


Friday, October 24, 2008

We're Off to See the Wizard....

Yesterday the quads Premiere Care unit had there annual reunion party.. It was the first time that we have gone to the party... Our doctors and nurses and the testers all noticed last year that we hadnt gone... Well we went this year and the quads went as The Wizard of Oz... So cute... we had a lot of people come up and tell us that they were adorable... of course i already knew that... :)..... we also had quite a few people come up and ask if they could take pictures of them... so i think they were a hit...
i do need to warn you... i again some how loaded these pictures all out of order... so look at your own risk...
here is Dr. Ramamurthy.... she is their doctor at Premeire Care... she is very nice and sweet.. and so down to earth... we love her...

here is the cast of The Wizard of Oz.... Seth of course is th Tin Man.... Austin... the Lion... Evan.. our Scarecrow.... and little Miss Bekah... our Little Dorothy...

Here is one of the testers that tests the babies development... she is wonderful.. and at the last evaluation, she gave me the most wonderful compliment... so i greatly like her...

sorry i loaded all of the single pics like this... im so sorry.... i will do better next time...
EVAN.... our WONDERFUL and clumsy Scarecrow....

SETH.. our WONDERFUL and cute little Tin Man....

BEKAH... our WONDERFUL and sweet little Dorothy and Toto in the basket... (that dog actually very much looks like a rat!!!)

AUSTIN... our WONDERFUL and shy little Lion

so here they are again and i do think they are the cutest little kids in the WORLD... i know, i know.... tis only my opinion... but look at their sweet little faces... how could they not be... i am looking foward to next years party.. although we were asked how are we going to top this one... i have no idea... my inital plan was to be The WIzard of Oz till they had an opinion on what they wanted to be... so i have no clue... if you have any ideas will you please let me know... if not they will be seeing the same thing next year...

we had a load of fun... we got there a bit a late... and we were there for maybe thirty minutes but it was so fun... i really cannot wait till next year.... they did great... they werent fussy... they didnt want to smile for their pictures all the time... but they did really great... we were very pleased with how well they did....
after the event we went out to eat as a family again.. and got oohs and ahhs.... so fun... i think so people wondered why Austin had a braid at the back of his pants, but with bekah still in her dorothy outfit i hope they figured it out... anyway it was a lot of fun yesterday... i really am looking forward to next...
my sister asked me last night if i went as Aunt Em and Bobby as Uncle Henry... no we went as Bobby and Andrea the crew to the cast of The Wizard of Oz... (in case you were wondering)...
We're off to see the wizard the WONDERFUL wizard of OZ.... .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i know i know.....

well guys... this will probably be a short one since its getting late and ill do another one later this week with pics... we are all doing really well.... bekah went to her six weeks post op a few weeks ago.... he said everything looks "perfect" so it appears that her surgery was a success and she wont need any other surgeries... praise the Lord.... she doesnt have to go back till another three months... so yay... we're pretty excited.... we got flu shots on monday... so far so good.... evan also got his head remeasured (he has a big head) and the doctor is so far pretty pleased with it and has decieded on waiting on doing another mri... so im thankful for that.... and we got a bigger van a few weeks ago too.... so exciting.... we love it... its so nice and big.. and did i mention we love it... its wonderful... well i dont want to give anything away for my later post this week... so ill stop here... i just didnt want you to think i "forgot" about ya'll.... i will post another one later this week.... so ill "talk" with ya'll later...


Friday, September 26, 2008

"normal" fun?

hey... im going to start out saying that is a really long post... and im sorry.... you dont have to read the whole thing... but feel free to linger over the pictures... just kidding..... okay.. so i loaded these pictures all out of order, but wasnt going to delete them and then re-load them.... so... anyway... this picture is of my aunt kathy and uncle lee when they were down from el paso at the beginning of the month.... we all had supper at my parents house since they were down and the babies really enjoyed playing with my aunt and uncle... this pic of bekah and my mom is right after my mom put her hair into pigtails... shes getting better about putting her hair up, but is still kinda fussy when we are in the process of fixing it... i thought that this was the cutest picture....
this picture i actually took today..... we went outside to play and i saw some ants on our porch so i sprayed them with water and they were loving it, so i thought well lets get the sprinkler out... seth was the biggest fan of it.. he loved it.... bekah on the other hand hated it... she barely got two drops on her and she started to cry... luckily about 3 minutes into playing in the sprinker daddy came home so we went back on the porch to play....
here is a picture of my babies with their friends from church... (they are twins).....they came over on thursday..... it was so fun.... everyone was sooo good..... i wasnt sure how my babies would do because other than sunday while in the nursery they dont see other babies... they did really good.. they shared their toys and were overall really good... so im pleased with that... i do need to get them out and about with other kids... just so they know that they arent the only kids in the world... we'll see.... anyway i had a really good time on thursday and i think the babies did too.... (thanks stacy for coming over)....
this is from last sunday.... this is my favorite dress for bekah right now... and they just look so cute...
this also is from last sunday..... these are the "miracle babies".... the little girl is one of my really good friends daughter.... i took i think 10 pictures and this was the best out of all of them... we're going to try another "photo op" again to see if we can get a better pic...
this is acutally a couple saturdays ago.... we went to the zoo.... it was soooo dead..... we went into the lory landing.... they absolutely loved seeing the birds so up close... this was the first time we went because every other time we go to the zoo it is soo packed that we do good just to walk around well when we went this time it was so unpacked that we were able to do that and take this picture on the lions... there was this nice lady who when we first came in saw us and asked about them... and we would see them as we walked through the zoo... then when we were leaving i was talking to bobby as this might be the best time to take the pic.. she overheard and offered and we took her up on her offer.... and im glad we did....
well.. like i said we have some very busy weeks... last week wednesday bekah and seth went to premiere care and did beautifully.... they scored on some of their skills at 22 MONTHS.... how exciting... but then on gross they scored at 16... still within limits.... i was greatly encouraged at this appointment.... the tester that tested seth was very impressed with how well he was doing and gave me some encouragement on how we are raising them.... the tester that tested bekah (bobby was with her) said that bekah behaved beautifully... so im really happy... our therapist was also very encouraging about how they are doing... so im very pleased and happy and excited.... that was really the only thing that happened last week, but it was such a major ordeal it really made the week seem packed....
this week we had speech therapy on tuesday with a new therapist.... she is very nice and has given us some tips on how to get them talking more words.. so im excited about that... our physical therapist came on wednesday... (she is the one who is very pleased with how they are doing).... she thinks they might not be in therapy for much longer since they are doing so well.....
thursday... my friend from church came over with her twins... it is the first time that we have had someone over other than therapists..... it was really nice and fun.... my mom, my aunt bertha, and i (with the quads) went to lunch at red robin later that afternoon.... i am greatly surprised with how well they did with eating at a restaurant.... this was like maybe the third time we have taken them out, but usually its my whole family... so each baby has an adult... this time it was just three adults... they were very good and ate very good...i did feed them a lunch before we left for the restaurant, but they still ate really well at re d robin.... it was fun to do something normal...
that evening bobby and i (with the quads) went to the fair.. i took my camera but didnt take any pictures... that did really good, huh.... it was fun.... we ran into a lot of people that we knew and a lot we didnt.... its funny when strangers are like " i bet your done with having kids" and im like actually i want at least one more.... its like they are speechless... its pretty funny.... it was nice going to the fair as a family... again something "normal" is just so nice...
and then today we ran through the sprinkler in the late afternoon.... so it was fun and busy week...
tommorrow we are getting a BIGGER VAN.... i am super-duper excited about that.... a family from our church is selling it to us at a great price and its just going to be so nice to have all that extra room.... i really am excited... im going to have to get used to driving a bigger van though... i have driven bobbys truck before so its kinda the same... but still... i already hate driving so... im just going to have to practice..... but im really excited....
im sorry for the late and long post.... but better late than never, right???? anyway we have some fun things going on next week so ill let you know what and how they go next week.... anyway thanks for reading....

Friday, September 12, 2008

hey all

well we are all doing very well... bekah continues to heal.. we got excellent news from the doctor today at another one of her post-op check-ups...he said she is looking wonderful... i havent really seen her cross her eyes either... so im very happy... she no longer needs for us to put the ointment in and once we finish this bottle of drops we wont need to put anymore drops in... im very excited... i never had to put the ointment in, since we only had to put it in at bedtime, but i did try once and it wasnt not easy since her eyelids were slick from the eyedrops and if you did the ointment first her eyes were im very happy.. and the bottle of eyedrops is halfway gone.. so woohoo... very excited... she also is teething she is getting two of her back teeth in... she hasnt been fussy or anything but this morning i noticed shes been biting on her arms.... not hard but hard enough to make them red... we have been very blessed to not have extremely fussy babies when they are teething... austin too is getting some back teeth in... and evan is getting one of his back teeth in....

today after bekahs appointment my mom and i went to the mall.... we have been numerous times and i thought peolpe were getting "used" to us... but today we got stopped so many times... i think we got stopped at least 20 times... there was even one time i thought we were taking the "different route" that others take to get to a department faster well we got stopped for about 10 minutes from i think 10 different women who would come over and talk to us... i dont mind... because i think if it were me i would be curious too... i used to when asked if we were done i would say "im not sure" now i tell them "no, i want at least one more" and then more conversation goes on... but oh well... if they're going to ask i might as well tell them... right???

last week evan and austin went to premiere care... development testing... i went in with evan for his and he did AWESOME.... he was scoring into his corrected age and above... i was very happy and excited for him... and so while i was with him bobby was with austin while he was being tested... i thought if evan is doing this well then surely austin is doing just as well if not better... well... not so much... bobby and i both agree that he seems further advanced then the rest but he is like me and he has to warm up to you before he's going to do anything you ask.... he is painfully shy when it comes to strangers.... bobby said it took austin between 5 to 10 minutes to warm up to the tester.. and after that he wouldnt do simple things that he did the time before and even the days before he did for me.... i do my own type of "premiere testing" about 3 times a week things that our therapists have told us we can work with them on.... he did everything i asked him to the day before testing... the next day (testing day) he wouldnt.. not couldnt... he scored in some areas around 16 months which they said is still within normal range for his corrected age which would be 18 months instead of his actual 20... the doctor was not concerned.... although when she was checking him... i guess he was nervous around her and he kept holding his hands very strangely and i could tell the doctor was seeing this and she asked me if he did that all the time... i had never... he fianlly relaxed and then so did she.... but even though he scored below the corrected age... both bobby and i and our therapists know what he is capable of and are not really concerned with his scores... they do ask us after the testing is over if how they were is how they are at home and for austin it definately is not how he acts at home... the minute we were left alone waiting for the doctor to come examine both evan and austin.. austin was chattering away... the minute she stepped in he stopped... just like me...... i am glad that they ask this.. because i know he can do better.... it took all morning.... after we left we stopped at wendys and ate a quick lunch... it was very strange to eat at a restaurant with children let alone only two of our four... it was fun though.... strange but fun.... it felt like we were a little family... it was nice....

bekah and seth go this coming wednesday.... seth in the past on premiere testing days has been like austin.... it takes him awhile to warm up but lately when our therapists come he warms up to them fast and plays with them and does wonderfully... so im hoping he'll do just as well on wednesday... bekah has done well in the past on testing days... i really have no concerns for her as far as warming up... shes an easy going kid.... i think she will do well.... i am really excited about these testing days.... i know what they are capable of and am not really concerned at all... i am praying that they will do as well on testing day as i have seen them do at home...

they are all going back for more premiere testing at the beginning of january because once they turn 2 they will not adjust the age they will go by their actual age rather than their adjusted age if they would have been a full term baby.... again im not concerned... not yet anyway...

well i am still a bit addicted to facebook.... i found my best friend from high school... or rather she found me... so i am very excited... bobby is doing well.. working ... getting ready for deer season.. also looking forward to dove season... im getting ready for christmas and the quads birthday.... i finally have decieded what they are wearing for their 2 year old pics.... so im excited for that... i found a pretty dress at kid to kid kinda like the one my sister in law got her daughter (which i absolutely loved) so i was very excited to find the dress i found.... very exciting..... oh... also a friend of mine gave me a blog site of another quad mom whose kiddos are just a couple months younger than mine and get this she too also has three boys and a girl.... very cool....

anyway.... i will try to update again next week after bekah and seths testing to let you know how they did.... anyway.. im missing the movie im supposed to be watching with bobby so... i better go... i was thinking of doing a blog about what it was like 2 years ago now, but if you dont want o read it let me know... im not too sure...

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well firstly thank you to everyone who has prayed and is praying for Bekah... she is HEALING!!! Praise the Lord.. her eyes are not as red anymore... in fact they are barely pink and she isnt swollen anymore.... i didnt take any pictures of her after her surgery until today, just because her eyes were very sensitive to light and my camera has a flickering flash so i didnt want to irritate her... these pictures were taken today... she is also getting used to us putting the eyedrops and ointment in her eyes which is very nice... we used to have to really fight her to open her eyes... she still kinda squints her eyes when she knows that drops are coming but not as tight as she was earlier this week... she doesnt even look like she had surgery a week ago... thank you so much to everyone who has prayed... we still covet your prayers for continual healing and for the surgery being a success and for her not needing anymore surgeries... she is acting like herself... im just so thankful for her progress and healing...

we start Premiere Care testing this week... (developmental testing).... im not nervous for it... im not sure how much they will cooperate with the testers but i know and my therapists know how well they are doing.. so im not concerned... i dont know how much they will "talk" for the testers, but im praying they will knock their socks off with their speech.... Evan and Austin go first... they test this wednesday... and Bekah and Seth test on Sept 17.. ... so im excited for the testing...

well i am offically addidicted to this little thing called "facebook" or as bobby calls it "facelift"... a friend from California told me about it.. then my sister in law got on... so i did to.. the first night i was on.. i was on for at least an hour and a half... i found one of my friends from high school and well im addidicted... i think ive gotten better... im not on it for longer than 30 minutes and not every night.... but it is very fun...

here are the babies once we got to mimi and papa's house after church today....
arent they the cutest.... we dont have any plans for this long weekend... bobby is on call... but we were able to mow the grass yesterday while the babies were napping... if he doesnt get any calls tomorrow i think we will finish the yard...

well i hope you have enjoyed this weekly segment... and according to my calander sunday is the last day of the week instead of the first day.. so im off the hook...

again thank you for your prayers....

Friday, August 22, 2008

Surgery DONE; NOW Eyedrops and ointment

Well we have had bekahs surgery.... everything went very well.. the doctor even said it went "perfectly"... we also had her follow-up post-op appointment today... he again said everything looked "perfect".. we wont know if everything is indeed perfect until six weeks from now... between now and then if she crosses her eyes it doesnt count till after the six weeks.. so now it is days filled with eyedrops and ointment... which in and of itself is not fun.. for me or her... will you please pray that the applying of the eyedrops and ointment becomes easier and that this will be the only surgery she will need.... i dont want to go through this again... if i have to i will.... but i really REALLY dont want to..... this is bekah last sunday.... she again didnt want to smile for the pictures... but i wanted a "last" picture before surgery...

here is bekah and bobby... we had just arrived to the facility for the surgery on thursday... she was so happy... it was sad... i knew what was coming but she had no clue...

here she is a few minutes before they gave her some tylenol laced with somthing that made her drowsy so that they could start an iv and give her her anesthesia... she knew something was up but was still being such a trooper...
right of surgery when she started to wake up from the anesthesia she was so aggitated... i was struggling to hold her and trying not to drop her... i had to give her to bobby so that he could control her... she tried numerous times to pull out her iv.... i cried the whole time... even when we left the nurse gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be fine...
i cried the way home too... when we finally did get home she was still kinda out of it from the anesthesia so we put her to bed... i walked my mom out to her car when she was leaving and felt like crying... when i got inside i went to change my clothes and bobby came in and gave me a hug and i just broke weary... not so much as yesterday, but still a little weary.... i really dont want to go through this again...
she is crossing her eyes in a little now, but he told us many times that is to be expected... it makes me a little nervous though... i just really dont want to go through this again... please pray for me... please pray for bekah... thank you for your prayers... we covet your prayers...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Dreams...

Hi all... Bobby and i have been watching the olympics since they have started.... we record them and then watch them after the babies are in bed... and im really into it this year... i guess because we record it and then we are able to fast forward through events that we arent too interested in and then pause, rewind and slow motion things that we do want to see... I am so into the olympics i have had a few dreams that i am in the olympics with my best friend from high school.... we were playing volleyball... thats not a stretch for melissa, but for me that is quite a stretch.... anyway our lives have been affected by the olympics... seeing them i want to get out and start playing volleyball, running, swimming, and even diving... so i deceided to have a mini pre-pre-olympics for the babies... Here is the team USA... relaxing before the main event.... you can tell the stress isnt getting to them.... we had a lot of fun... they all want the GOLD....they each had a routine on the "balance beam".. our balance beam was the back of our sofa... theres a 3 to 4 inch space that became our balance beam...

Here is Bekah... she is doing her difficult routine with the assistance of assitant head coach Mimi.... she is going for the GOLD... I think she'll take it.... Maddie is the head judge... although she doesnt seem to be watching the performance...

Here is Evan... he has an equally difficult routine.... Maddie is watching him closely for any balance checks.... i think he'll get the GOLD....

Here is Seth.. also with an equally difficult routine... but is so relaxed he is able to smile at the camera for when he signs all of his endorsments... go Seth.... i think he'll get the GOLD....
Look at maddie... watching seths feet so closely to make sure he doesnt fall off the "balance beam"... the best head judge ever...

and Austin.... he also is doing an equally difficult routine.... but he does his routine with his hat on.... i think he'll win the GOLD....
well by ruling of our head judge... they all won the GOLDfish.... they did wonderful... and i think are the cutest little Olympians ever....
well we have done other things besides the olympics... we went to the dentist a couple weeks ago and we are happy to report no cavities.... the dentist was extremely nice and very fast... i wish i would have taken some pics but maybe at their second dental appointment... which isnt anytime soon.... they all also have some new teeth breaking through... so more new chompers...
we also had our first official speech therapy session... she was very impressed with how they have progressed from just the eval from early july.... she doesnt think she'll be coming for very much longer.... she was very impressed.... if shes happy.. im happy... we also are continuing to practice the open cup.... they are getting the hang of it.... just got to keep practicing...
and bekah.... she has surgery this thursday.... im still trying not to think about it.... my nerves are close to shot... we asked the elders of our church to pray over her on sunday... that alone seemed to calm my nerves a little... will you please pray that her surgery is a success and that their arent any complications... and that this is the only surgery.... and please pray for me... every once and awhile my mind runs away with me and i start thinking negativly... but i do think overall im doing pretty good...
i will try to update again this week.. possibly friday after bekahs appointment with the eye doctor.... just to let you know how she did and everything... thanks to everyone who has and is praying for her and us....