Friday, November 21, 2008

El Paso.... Fun?

Hey all.. i know its been a long while since i have updated, and this one probably wont be so great so i apologize now... read at your own risk... well. we went to el paso this past weekend for a wedding for one of my cousins... well lets start at the very beginning... we left thursday night after work... they did much better this year than they did last year as far as fussing and such, but there was still a little fussing and who can blame them for sitting in their car seats for five hours just to reach ft. stockton.... when we got to ft stockton it was like they got their second wind and deceided they needed to chatter and play and fuss... so it took them awhile to fall asleep... they were up at 6:30 an hour earlier than usual, talking.... so we HAD to wake up too.... i went to go knock on my parents door at 7:30 because surely they would be awake, nope... lucky them... so then we went for breakfast at a place that i thought served a pretty good breakfast, boy were we all wrong.... we then had about a four more hour drive till we reached the grand city of el paso... no sarcasm there... alot of my cousins are there which is really nice and the most wonderful restaurant by name of Chicos Tacs is there... YUM.... anyway we were pretty happy to reach el paso, especailly for me because for the last hour and a half i drove and i hate driving.... anyway we got to my aunts house... bobby and i had to go to wal-mart because bobby had forgotten his coat and his belt... and going to wal-mart in el paso is quite an experience... then we went to one of my uncles house for the rehersal dinner... very yum too... one of my cousins went and got me some fast lane tacos which is like chicos but with more spice... YUM! anyway... went back to my aunt berts to go to bed... the babies slept better thid night but still woke up at 6:30 our time 5:30 el paso time... so.... again that meant it was time for us to get up too..... we delayed coming out of our room till about 7:30 so that my parents and my two aunts could sleep longer.... okay so now today is saturday the day of the wedding.... so we get to the wedding and the quads are doing pretty good... we got there about 45 mins early... my dad the planner did not want to be late... so then the wedding starts.... not two minutes into it seth and evan deceide they dont want to sit still or be quiet... so my mom and i take them out in to the hall... so i didnt get to see the wedding but i heard it was beautiful.... anyway after the wedding we changed the babies so they could be more comfortable and went to lunch with my uncle tom and aunt linda, my parent, bert, juana, and my brother and his family... and as we are loading up the kids to take them back to berts house i notice bobby forgot his belt we just bought.... oh well... so we get to berts and about an hour before we need to leave seth got sick... this was the first time any of them has gotten sick, and by sick i mean, you know SICK!.... so we debated about if we should go and he got sick again. so bobby deceided to stay at home with seth and evan and i would take bekah and austin to the reception... yes there was about a 4 hour window between wedding and reception... so we go to the reception with my parents and aunts... ate supper and then about three hours later and two babies falling asleep i tell my dad im ready to go back to berts, so my dad graciously takes my crew back home to bobby, evan and my little sickie... seth got up at 6 or 7 times during the night gettting SICK! poor baby.. okay so now the day is sunday and im pooped since i was up with seth the majority of the time helping him... we had family come over for a last dinner before we left at 6pm.... so now we are back on the road to our pit stop of ft stockton... seth being sick the whole time.... although during the night he did not wake up being sick so that was a blessing but they still woke up at 6:30... where is my sleep!!!!! okay so now monday morning and we are on our way back home about an hour to an hour and a half out from being home evan deciedes to get SICK! and majorly sick at that too.... then about 30 minutes later Bekah gets Sick... so we stop at heb when we got home for pedialyte and soup and cleaning supplies and then on the way home from the store austin gets sick.... i can laugh now that my stomach isnt quesy anymore but that 20 minute drive home i was passing the bucket from one mouth to the next... so we get home... thankfully after evan got sick the first time we put bibs on everyone, in case i wasnt fast enough for them... so as bobby and i are unloading the car bobby got sick! so by this time i am praying HARD for an iron stomach... and boy the Lord answered... i slept on the kitchen floor with my three sick kiddos on their mattresses and thankfully my mom came to help because im sure to have gone mad if i would have had to have done that by myself.... bobby stayed in our room... so the next day is tuesda and thankfully bobby still had the day off.. he was supposed to have gone hunting, but deer and such were a long way away from his mind.... so i had his help as he was feeling much better but weak from his long night.... tuesday i started to not feel so great and as bobby was cooking chicken noodle soup for supper for him and babies i thought i was going to be sick....thankfully monday night before my mom came she picked up a prescription for bobby and so i took one and it really did seem to calm my stomach almost instantly... so we slept again in the kitchen since it took two nights to finally leave seth so as precaution i slept in the kitchen with the babies and bobby slept in the living room... wednesday i woke up achey probably from sleeping on a hard kitchen floor and poor little bekah it seems to have hit her and seth the hardest.. seth seemed to have been sick longer but it seemed to have taken a lot out of bekah... she just acted so weak and puny.. poor baby... well okay so now today is friday.. seth got sick again yesterday morning but seems to be acting fine since and then again last night austin got sick, but is acting fine this morning. so i hope it has left us... anyway i know this has been kinda gross and yuck but ill post what pictures i was able to take later on.. there werent that many, and none of them are of the babies getting sick so you dont have to worry about that... this defiately has been a week id like far behind me, and an unforgetable trip... CONGRATULATIONS JASON AND DAISY!!!!



Anonymous said...

Oh my Andrea! You must be so worn out and everyone getting sick at once like that!!!

You can look back in years from now and laugh...or cry!

Glad God answered your prayers on an iron stomach. Thing is, i prayed for you guys the whole time not knowing you were sick. God must have known you needed those prayers!

Tim said...

Wow!!! You poor thing!!! I'm so sorry. :( You are such a trooper!!!

Stacy Ann said...

Lol! That was really Stacy. :) Tim signed on to my computer earlier. :)