Sunday, December 28, 2008

VERY Long post...

okay so this is a long post, if you dont know already... i posted pictures from two weeks prior to Christmas...

this picture is our family picture taken two sundays before Christmas... but these were our outfits that we wore to my cousins wedding that we werent ever able to take picture of... so we had the opportunity and took some pictures...

we took this picture at church..

this picture was taken at my moms house after church... she wanted some pictures too... so who are we to say no.. so we took some more pictures...

the babies did very well for the numerous photo shoots this day.. they werent fussy at all... they didnt always want to smile for the pictures but they werent fussy... so that was good....

again another photo shoot.. of just the quads... they did very well..

we always do a quick little photo shoot if they have something matching or new on... so this day was no exception!! these were the outfis they wore to my cousins wedding in November....

this next group of picture was taken the sunday before Christmas.... and of course we needed to take some pictures... we all matched to some extent... my red was actually my coat... so thats where my red is at...

the babies again did so well for these pictures... they werent fussy at all... the babies lloked so cute....

here are my HANDSOME men.... they all had black suits and red shirts... very sharp.... i had to talk bobby into wearing his suit again... but he looks so cute matching the boys... i dont think he minded after seeing how the boys matched him...


my brother surprised us by showing up for church and we took some family pictures but my camera died before any good ones could be taken... my sister in law got some good pictures though.... i also forgot to take some pictures of just the babies in their matching outfits.. so they will have to have another photo shoot when i put them in these outfits again...

now onto Christmas day.... this was breakfast on Christmas... we had muffins... very yummy... they hadnt had muffins before and they really enjoyed eating them... they had bluberrry and cinnamon...

here is Seth and Bekah enjoying their muffins... Seth preferred the bluberry...

here is Evan and Austin eating their Chritmas breakfast... Evan still looks a little sleepy in this picture...

here they are sitting in front of the tree in their Christams jammies before we opened our presents... they did really well and had a lot of fun opening presents.. they had to make sure that every piece of wrapping paper got off ofthe present befroe they could check out what it was they opened...
they are saying "cheese" for the picture... i dont know where they learned that at... i dont usually say "say cheese" before a picture, but it seems they enjoyed saying it....

Bekah opening up a present she got in her stocking...

Bekah checking out very closely her princess panties... and deceiding that Aurora is her favorite princess...
they pretty much just got undies and socks in their stockings... they seemed just happy about opening up presents and not really knowing what exactly they were opening...

Austin opening a present..... he got an Etch-a- Sketch...

Evan playign with some bells he got for Christmas... they got things i thought could help them with their Premiere Care testing that is coming up in January...

Seth also playing with some bells he got... the boys also got pillows with their silhouettes on them... bekah got hers last year... i wasnt going to get the boys one but in the summertime this year i thought the boys needed their own pillows that are special like bekahs... they did lay on them and say "night-night".... so i think they liked them....

still Christmas Day AT MY MOM AND DAD'S HOUSE:
we have a Flick Football Superbowl every year... i think the only year we havent done the superbowl is the year i was in the hospital pregnant with the babies.. Bobby won the superbowl last year and i came in third... so here we are showing our team spirit... Bobby was the Colts... I was the Patriots... and the babies rooted for us both...

the babies shirts said one team on the front and one on the back...

bekah opening her present from Georgi... she loves her baby doll and all the things that came with it... i think her favorite is the high chair...
Seth cant help himself from helping Bekah open her present...

Seth opening his present form Jennifer... they really enjoyed just ripping the paper off of the present...
i cant wait for the to try out his t-ball set.. i think they will really like it..

Austin opening his present from Jennifer... again just enjoying ripping the paper off...

here is Evan.. i was acutally able to get a pictuer of him looking at me before he really dug into ripping the paper off the present...

we had a lot of fun with this Christmas... the babies actually able to open the presents themselves and enjoying the presents afterwards... it was a good Christmas...
and let me just say that the COLTS won the Superbowl again this year and the PATRIOTS came in second... so a good year for those teams this year!!! looking forward to next year!!

FRIDAY DECEMBER 26, 2008....
(i accidentally just deleted a picture and wasnt able to get it back) anyway... the day after Christmas... well Chrtistmas night Evan started to run a high fever and was coughing and having a hard time catching his breath.... we called the doctor and he asked us to bring him into the hospital...

here is bobby in evan's room watching tv... we had some very long nights and day...

Evan finally drinking his water and watching tv... we dont turn teh tv on while the babies are up and playing at home and watching tv in the hospital was a special treat that Evan got since he was sick...

he was finally starting to perk up here... he was talking to us and laughing... but the doctor wanted us to stay the night sine they seem to get worse at night so we did...

bobby laying with evan while he gets his breathing treatment... he did pretty good with getting treatments... the meds seemed to knock him out though...

Evan still getting his treatment and watching tv...
my brave boy...he did very well.. we were able to come home saturday afternoon.. it feels so good to finally be home after 2 long nights in the hospital... he is doing much better and very much back to his old self... laughing playing not clingy... thank you to everyone who has been praying for evans recovery...
we had a very busy week... and it appears that this next week will be just as busy... they are turning 2 on friday and we are getting ready for their party... im very excited... i will let you know how that goes...
well i hope you enjoyed this post.. and i do apologize that this post was sooo long....

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