Well I guess I'll give just a little history before i start the history. Bobby and I were married in 2002. im not sure exactly when this picture was taken probably 2004 or 05. But this is my only picture I have of us that is on the computer and that I know was before the babies were born.
When we got back from the coast I heard of an open position at a OB-GYN's office. An Ob-Gyn whom, i knew. Well I got an interview and within three weeks I started to work for him. Dr. Rath. I have posted a picture of him with the babies before. He did know that we were trying and he and the Office manager took a big risk in hiring me, Im SO thankful they did. I loved working for him. I learned so many things working in that office. This was in July of 2004.
Move ahead a few months to October. Nothing happening and then October, I cant remember now, but for some reason I had thought i was pregnant.. I got so excited. I didnt tell Bobby because i wanted to surprise him with a test. Well when i found out i in fact wasnt, i was heartbroken. I then told Bobby everything. I told him how i thought i was and how excited i had gotten and so we decieded we would take trying more "seriously".
I started to moniter my cycles more carefully. Take careful notice of what time of the month it was and just be more observant.
November 2004.. a week late! not pregnant. ugh!
December 2004.. a Christmas present?? no....
January 2005.. a new year, a new adventure.. no but I really started to be more aware of my cycles and when was the right time. But still no baby.. (at this point yes im disappointed, but not really concerned)... i found out that one of my really good friends was pregnant..yay.. it was during this year that i became with one of my closest friends to this day.. my loving and supportive husband would encourage me to talk to her.. poor Bobby, he didnt know what to tell me..
February.. nothing.. Although during this month was one my sister-in-laws baby shower...
March.. i mention to Dr. Rath that I still (apparently) have not gotten pregnant.. He tells me to keep track of my cycles on a calender for several months and then talk to him again.. okay..
April.. my nephew is born... yay...
May.. another one of closest friends finds out she is pregnant.. yay.. but me.. still not..
June 2005.. one year after decieding we will try to get pregnant.. we arent.. (although not really overly concerned) i did start to temperature chart... thats a test in itself..
and then JULY 2005.. ahhh... our first inital feriltity test.. i will NOT go into detail... but this test was NOT fun.... and i had decieded that I did not want to do this test EVER again... it was horrible.. (sidenote: although i never wanted to do this test again, during my infertility trying with FC i had to do this test FOUR more times, but each time it got easier)... we were able to get the results the next day and all was well... Praise the Lord!!!
skip to September... my next fertility test.. agh... this one was called a Hysterosalpingogram... wow.. and although i had worked in my Ob-Gyn's office and had heard of this test from a friend of mine.. i was SO not prepared.. let me just say if you ever have to do this test take something.. tylenol, advil.. something... it HURT... the results to this test were not colclusive.. my mom thankfully went with me, and i am so grateful that she did...
October... my friends baby is born...
November.. two more nephews born..
NOW im starting to get concerned.... whats going on.. why is everyone pregnant but me....
December 18,2005: the elders of our church pray over us..
January 9, 2006: Dr. Rath said to stop... it was bittersweet, because the day before i had told my friend Becky that I didnt want to continue on this way, but if i did need help than that meant there was something wrong...
and this concludes PART I... I know this might be boring for you but i just wanted to write it down before i forgot... as past of my babies book...
I need to do this too. There is so much that is starting to fade away in my memory. I never thought I would be saying that...but it's true. Thank you for sharing your experience. God is good!
I'm anxiously awaiting parts 2 and beyond. So many of these things don't seem that long ago to me. The conversations, the tears, the prayers...the miracles! Let me know if you still want me to forward you the emails. I won't have time to go through them and decide what is relevant and what isn't, but you can go through them as you get time if you still want them. So happy God gave you your miracles and glad i could watch Him answer prayers!
waaa waaa...i keep checking for part II! :)
I've been in suspense so long for part 2 and beyond!! :) I mean really--what else do you have to do with your time!? :) JUST KIDDING!
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