Here they all are planting the garden... Austin absolutely loved it.. Evan not so much.. and Bekah and Seth well they liked it, but Austin may be a future botanist... He loved getting dirty and "helping" daddy get the veggie plants into the ground..
Here is Austin helping hoe the garden.. Bekahs thinking "I dont think thats right..?"
Seth and Beks looking at the cucumber that just went into the ground... at one point i found the leaf of the plant on the ground... i dont know who did it though...
Still admiring the cucumber plant...

Austin still hard at work hoeing the garden... He saw both bobby and i doing this so i guess he thought he needed to do it as well... such a good helper...

Bekah: "i still dont think thats right, Austin..."

They LOVED these little crates we got from the nursery... Each of them played with them and with the sticks that say what the plants are... We saved them for when we are outside working in the garden so they can "help"...

Austin showing Bekah what you do with the plant labels... and Yes he got that muddy pretty much as soon as we got to the garden...
Can you find his right foot?? Do you see it??
Here is Bekah she wanted her picture taken... so of course i took one..

Austin and Maddie... Yes we had the WHOLE family out at the garden.. Even our big dogs Trigger and Astro were out there, but since they scare the quads, they were at a distance..

Seth and Austin... they had so much fun...

Austin's foot....

Austin playing with the label and crates...

Seth in the garden...

Still admiring the cucumber plant...
Austin still hard at work hoeing the garden... He saw both bobby and i doing this so i guess he thought he needed to do it as well... such a good helper...
Bekah: "i still dont think thats right, Austin..."
They LOVED these little crates we got from the nursery... Each of them played with them and with the sticks that say what the plants are... We saved them for when we are outside working in the garden so they can "help"...
Austin showing Bekah what you do with the plant labels... and Yes he got that muddy pretty much as soon as we got to the garden...
Here is Bekah she wanted her picture taken... so of course i took one..
Austin and Maddie... Yes we had the WHOLE family out at the garden.. Even our big dogs Trigger and Astro were out there, but since they scare the quads, they were at a distance..
Seth and Austin... they had so much fun...
Austin's foot....
Austin playing with the label and crates...
Seth in the garden...
Austin at the "end" of the work day... he was covered in mud... he had fun and so did i and bekah and seth and Bobby...

but Evan... he so far does not like to get dirty... he has always been kinda a neat guy.. doesnt like to get food on his fingers... but he really did not enjoy getting dirty in the garden... i guess im gonna have to get him used to it... here he is when we are fixing to go inside and he is finally playing with one of the labels,

Here is Seth now working the hoe... Such a good helper too..

When i was taking all these pictures of the other babies evan stood by my side holding my hand... he did NOT want to get dirty..

but Evan... he so far does not like to get dirty... he has always been kinda a neat guy.. doesnt like to get food on his fingers... but he really did not enjoy getting dirty in the garden... i guess im gonna have to get him used to it... here he is when we are fixing to go inside and he is finally playing with one of the labels,
Here is Seth now working the hoe... Such a good helper too..
When i was taking all these pictures of the other babies evan stood by my side holding my hand... he did NOT want to get dirty..
Well we just put the garden in this past weekend so we have not seen any fruits to our labor, but seeing Austin and Bekah and Seth really enjoying playing in the mud and with the crates was fun for me... I think Evan will get more used to it especially when he sees how FUN it can be to get dirty...
Loved it! And great work for the kiddos! (how's that for a short comment! Maybe i have a fever! haha. :)
PLANT AWAY......can't wait for some wonderful homegrown zucchini and squash!
but PLEASE............. keep the peas!! lol
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