Tuesday, January 27, 2009

something i shouldnt have forgotten...

well in my last post... yes the long one... i forgot to add something else that had happened.... after the quads birthday they started sunday school the next sunday... i havent taken a picture of them yet, just because we have been late every sunday since they have started... so when we are able to get to church before it actually starts so that i can take a picture with them, i will... just thought id let you know, i cant believe i forgot to add this in my last post...

also got a call from our therapist... we are changing speech therapist and we have them scheduled to come out in february to evaluate them again... well on the phone yesterday she said shes not sure that they are going to have enough of a delay to continue therapy... which i guess is what i really want, but having them come and helping me get them ready before premiere care has always calmed my nerves... so in a way im ready to stop therapy and in a way im not.... but we'll see... ill let you know how that appointment goes...

speaking of speech... they really are starting to mimic us on a lot of words.. so thats exciting... they also are starting to say each others names which is really cute... i think the cutest though is what they call seth.. to them his name is sepie... i used to call him sethie alot, but i really dont do that anymore, but i guess it really stuck with them.. so now he is sepie to the other babies...

we are still working on the potty training... getting them used to the potty... nowhere near trained yet, but getting them comfortable with it...

i will post their birthday pics and the professional pics probably next week... i have to get some more prints printed and a friend of mine offered to get them done while she takes her son to get his pics done, way better than waiting a year like i did this last time... anyway i will post some pics next week...

well thats pretty much it... we dont have ANYTHING going on this week... a very slow and peaceful week...


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