Saturday, September 12, 2009

painting rooms means sharing rooms..

for the past couple of weeks bobby and i have been painting the kids rooms... we just were able to finish this week... so since we have been painting, all the kiddos have had to share one room.. actually that is much easier for us, especially when we tuck them in at night.. but we do intend to move the boys back to their room hopefully tomorrow.. anyway.. took some pics of them sharing the rooms..

we painted bekahs room first so they all had to share the boys room first... this was their first night ALL in the boys room..

here are evan and austin...

here is bekah and seth (also in the boys room)....
once we were done painting bekahs room and it was sufficiently dried and not as stinky we moved them all into her room so we could start painting the boys room...

they ALL seemed to really love having everyone as a roommate... instead of just one other person.... in fact so much so that im not sure the transition back to just one roommate is going to go very smoothly... anyway.. i will post more pics once we get the rooms all decorated and cute...

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