Thursday, July 31, 2008

lists, Lists, and more LISTS....

Well first of all i would like to say thank you for all of the encouraging words... so Thank You... as you can tell by my title i have been making a lot of lists this week... bobby and i are going on a belated anniversary trip to the coast for the weekend.. im looking forward to it, but it is the first time i will be leaving the babies over night period... thankfully my parents are going to watch them and stay at our house so that the babies have more room to run around... anyway.. believe it or not i actually had to put blogging on one of my many lists or it wouldnt have gotten done... bobby and i have mowed every night this week after we put the babies down to sleep... so we are really trying to get the house clean inside and out... i think that we have finally gotten the yard work done... thankfully.. i enjoy mowing.. it is a good work out... and i just enjoy it... all i need to do now is cut and bathe maddie (our dog), vaccume, wash sheets, and pack... well now that i have rambled sufficiently about lists and cleaning, ill move on the babies...
We had our physical therapy on tuesday.. it went well... we were given things to work on with them some easy and some... well not hard, just.... hard when you have four babies you are trying to teach at the same time...

Like our therapist wants us to work on using an open cup instead of using a straw cup... well with four babies all i can say is that the concept is good but actually trying this.... i am likely to go insane on training my babies to use an open cup rather than a straw... i have tried it a few times and each time i just get... i guess frustrated.. not with the babies, just with the water that is now in their laps, plates, and table... and then they want to play with the spilled water... so... i know i just need to keep getting them used to the open cup... its not like im filling the cup too much either... our therapist wants us to teach them the word "more" so its just a few sips of water in their cup and then they are "supposed" to ask for more water... well again this is much easier said than done... well i guess we will just have to continue to practice... im thinkinh it might be easier to learn the word "more" with food rather than water...

they did learn a new word yesterday... there was a tractor out mowing near our mailbox.. so now they all are saying tractor... i think austin might really like the way tractor sounds... cause sometimes he'll just say it... and also every truck or train we see in a book is now a tractor... so need to work on that... lets see i think last week or the week before seth started to say "happy guy" now every one says it...its so cute... when we ask him "seth are youa happy guy" he gets this funny grin and says "happy guy"... we also are saying apple and happy.. so they are doing really well with their speech and vocabulary... and i did have more pictures than this but i accidentaly deleted two of them... so maybe next week.. ill be more careful about the delete button...

anyway.. we do covet your prayers on their speech and vocab.. and our trip this weekend, and of course bekah's surgery...

nice "talking" to ya'll... talk to you later...



Anonymous said...

I'm praying for your trip. I hope it's a really great time!

Just for the record, my kids usually drink with lids still! (like you, i don't really care for the spilled water.) Christy can do a regular cup ok, but sometimes isn't careful so back to lids... Ryan could do it too, but it's one of our "battles" (to not spill it) so i take the easy way and keep a lid on. Sarah...haven't even tried the no lid approach!!! yikes!

Have a fabulous time!!!


Mommy's Little Blessings said...

I didn't start to go without a lid til Aubrie was about 2-3 yrs old. (didn't like the idea of spills either) She of course can drink with or without one now, which I think in time comes anyway. Yours are still under two, I think with lid is still okay;) Sounds like your babies are doing just fine and cute pics!!

Precious Blessings said...

Hope you all have a wonderful time. (I'm SURE you will.) Thankfully you will not have any Dollys to worry about.

Praying for sweet Bekah.

Love ya lots,