Thursday, July 31, 2008

lists, Lists, and more LISTS....

Well first of all i would like to say thank you for all of the encouraging words... so Thank You... as you can tell by my title i have been making a lot of lists this week... bobby and i are going on a belated anniversary trip to the coast for the weekend.. im looking forward to it, but it is the first time i will be leaving the babies over night period... thankfully my parents are going to watch them and stay at our house so that the babies have more room to run around... anyway.. believe it or not i actually had to put blogging on one of my many lists or it wouldnt have gotten done... bobby and i have mowed every night this week after we put the babies down to sleep... so we are really trying to get the house clean inside and out... i think that we have finally gotten the yard work done... thankfully.. i enjoy mowing.. it is a good work out... and i just enjoy it... all i need to do now is cut and bathe maddie (our dog), vaccume, wash sheets, and pack... well now that i have rambled sufficiently about lists and cleaning, ill move on the babies...
We had our physical therapy on tuesday.. it went well... we were given things to work on with them some easy and some... well not hard, just.... hard when you have four babies you are trying to teach at the same time...

Like our therapist wants us to work on using an open cup instead of using a straw cup... well with four babies all i can say is that the concept is good but actually trying this.... i am likely to go insane on training my babies to use an open cup rather than a straw... i have tried it a few times and each time i just get... i guess frustrated.. not with the babies, just with the water that is now in their laps, plates, and table... and then they want to play with the spilled water... so... i know i just need to keep getting them used to the open cup... its not like im filling the cup too much either... our therapist wants us to teach them the word "more" so its just a few sips of water in their cup and then they are "supposed" to ask for more water... well again this is much easier said than done... well i guess we will just have to continue to practice... im thinkinh it might be easier to learn the word "more" with food rather than water...

they did learn a new word yesterday... there was a tractor out mowing near our mailbox.. so now they all are saying tractor... i think austin might really like the way tractor sounds... cause sometimes he'll just say it... and also every truck or train we see in a book is now a tractor... so need to work on that... lets see i think last week or the week before seth started to say "happy guy" now every one says it...its so cute... when we ask him "seth are youa happy guy" he gets this funny grin and says "happy guy"... we also are saying apple and happy.. so they are doing really well with their speech and vocabulary... and i did have more pictures than this but i accidentaly deleted two of them... so maybe next week.. ill be more careful about the delete button...

anyway.. we do covet your prayers on their speech and vocab.. and our trip this weekend, and of course bekah's surgery...

nice "talking" to ya'll... talk to you later...


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here is your weekly update on "a day in the life of quads"... not very much has happened this week... we were supposed to have a pt session, but there were some scheduling conflicts so we will probably be having therapy next week... i guess so far the biggest thing that has happened is i took bekah to her eye appointment... she seemed to have been getting better and not crossing her eyes as often... monday she did it only 3 out of 10 times.. the other two days it was around 5 out of 10... in previous weeks.. she would cross them 7 or 8 times... so it seems like an improvement (to me)... i told the doctor this and he examined her.... his concern is that 5 even though it has dropped is a lot... and also that when she crosses them they stay crossed for awhile.. they dont immediately return.... so we are scheduled for surgery for August 21 at 9am.... im trying not to think about it... i feel that if i do... i WILL start worrying... he says that their is a possibility that it will "fix" for awhile but then might go back to crossing them and have to do another surgery... he also said that their is a possibility that surgery could fix her eyes crossing out but might make them cross in... so again surgery... or their is the possibilty (which im praying for and ask that you do to) is surgery will fix her eyes from crossing at all... and of course their is the possibility of losing the eye... so im trying not to think on that... the good news in all this is... we are going back for another appointment in two weeks Aug 6... where he will measure her eyes again... just checking her near and far sightedness. we are still praying for a miracle that she wont have to have surgery at all... but knowing its already scheduled... is a little stressful... and again im really not trying to think about it... i just hope and pray that if she does have surgery her eyes will be corrected and not need another surgery...
for other other little ones... they are doing well... babbling and mimicing us so much... its a lot of fun to listen to them jabber and say words... very cute to hear how their voices will sound.... this pic is from sunday... everyone in jean and white polo... they looked so cute.. but i dont think our church nursery likes that we put them in matching outfits all the time... thankfully this last sunday my friend was in the nursery and she is able to tell them apart.... they are doing very well in the nursery.. pretty much every time we drop them off we have a crier.. and usually someone different every time...

they are doing pretty well... our baby fish are still alive but one of our original fish "little black" died last night... we gave him a burial at sea... it was a little sad.. cause we have had them since the fourth of july weekend.. he was or seemed fine yesterday but he was dead last night.... our other "originals" are still swishing.... so... my mom got bekah a doll stroller the other day but no dolls have made it in... the boys would rather sit in it and be pushed around than push around a doll... bekah too... as soon as i set it up for her.. she grabbed the doll out and pushed around an empty stroller till i think it was austin figured out he could sit in it... very cute ill post some pics of that at the next post... im thinking about our birthday pics we will be getting done in january... either black and white or i dont know... i keep going to black and white.. but bobby doesnt want to discuss it yet because its too soon... so he says... i like to plan and have lists... and i plan WAY in advance... i dont know... anyway.. im just rambling now sooooo ill "talk" to ya'll later....
i hope you have enjoyed this segment of "a day in the life of quads"...

Monday, July 21, 2008


we have unknowingly added onto our family... it was not planned... and it truly was by accident... we have welcomed into our family... TWINS..... if you cannot tell... those two black spots are baby fish... the bigger fish was acting weird last week.. she would nip at all the other fish we have in the tank.. and i even thought about calling the store we got them at to see if this was normal.. because the fish we got were supposed to be compatible with each other.. i had even mentioned to bobby that maybe it was a girl and she was "pregnant" and he of course told me fish dont get pregnant... well we got them at the beginning of july... and know we are the proud parents of nemo and nemo II.... i know this isnt the best pic... but i thought it wsa pretty cool... we didnt see any fish eggs... so i dont know... well thats it... i just wanted to let out a "birth announcement" of our newest family members....

by the by.. i will be updating later on this week about another "day in the life of quads"..


Friday, July 18, 2008


hey all.... just thought i would put some pics on... we took these on sunday at church... needless to say our hams of children really didnt feel like being hams when we were taking pictures.... but we had planned on pictures and we were all matching so it was going to happen even if "we" didnt want it to happen....
obviously here is daddy with bekah who just didnt want to smile at all....... as an update we go back to the eye doctor next thursday... he said that we will probably be discussing surgery then... but he has said that 2 visits ago also... so we might stillbe watching her after that appointment.. thankfully and weirdly enough im not really worried... YET....

here is Seth with Mimi.... he is doing well... he and Evan had an evaluation on thursday from his Physical and Occupational therapists....i cant believe its been a year already from when they started.... it seems like ive known our therapists for much longer.... they are awesome... they are very pleased with how they are progressing.... the only reason they are keeping them in for "therapy" is because the speech therapist requested them in... so when our physical therapist comes she will really be working on speech... im really excited about this... im ready for them to be talking consistently.. and yes.. i do know what im wanting and asking for...

here they are with their cousins.... we just really didnt want to take pics... in fct the reason bekah is crying is because she wanted her Papa to be holding her.... also the reason we took these pics is because bekah's dress matched her oldest cousins dress.. so of course we had to take a picture... i forgot my camera, but my sister remembered hers... thankfully.....
and at last one big happy family..... we're doing well.... im definately ready for the weekend.... although nothing really planned... might go see a movie with my mom and sister.... yes that means bobby will have the babies by himself.. which i dont think has ever happened... but its during nap... but even if it wasnt he could handle it... he really is a GREAT dad... my sister taught me how to put pics on.. so ill try to keep up...

well i do hope you have enjoyed your weekly installment of "A Day in the Life of Quads" it really is much more fun than i can put into words.... and i am just extremely happy with how my life has changed since i learned i was even pregnant.... God is GOOD!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

another day with the quads

hey all ~ well bobby told me last night that i needed to update the site at least once a week... so here i go.... well we are doing really well..... we went to the park over the 4th of july weekend, bought a fishtank, and of course fish two days later... so far all is well... ill have my sister download some pics... today was another appt day for bekah... the doc thinks that she is not getting better... so we will be discussing surgery in two weeks.... i seriously am not worried (which in a way surprises me)... i am just praying that with or without surgery her eyes will correct and stop crossing.... anyway my mom watched the boys for me today when i took bekah to the doc and she gave them haircuts... she has deduced that austin is a sympathy crier... when she cut his hair he was fine, but when she cut evan and seths hair he cried but as soon as she was done it was like turning off a leaking faucet... no more tears... that does not surpirse me as he seems to be the most... emotional... we also had our 18 month checkup with our doctor earlier this week.. he seems very pleased with how they are growing and developing... evan and bekah weighed 26 lbs... austin weighed 24lbs.. and im guessing seth weighed 24-25lbs... didnt get his exact numbers... we are also having a speech evaluation today.... im pretty excited about this... i know that sounds weird but i am,,, im ready for them to really start talking... id say that their first word for all of them was Maddie (our dogs name).. not mama.. not daddy... MADDIE..... they are saying other words too... they have started to say mama, daddy, light, door, bath, no-no, ball, book, baby, uh-oh, and every so often cup.. or bekah sometimes says num for milk.... i dont know where she got that from, but at least she is saying something, right?.... well i will seriously try to do better on the posts... so far this is realy all that has happened this week in the life of quads... its been a crazy, fun, and draining week... but i love it....