Wednesday, June 29, 2011

one small step for man... four great steps for MIa-kind

well i think we are very close to having another walker in our family! yay Amelia!!

introducing AMELIA LEIGH

well sorry i loaded the pics in oppposite order... with the newest pics first... Amelia Leigh aka Mia was born on August 2 and she weighed 7lbs and 6oz... and now weighs ALOT!!! :) she is almost 11 months old.. and she loves her brothers and sister! and they love her back...

she is a very happy baby and very easy going... we love our new addition!

getting back into it..

so alot has happened... and haven't been blogging about it... but have decided early this morning that i need to get back into it... so im working on revamping my blog site and will start posting on a regular basis.. and fix my blog site... still trying to figure it out... anyway hope you enjoy my coming back to the blog world..